This area contains a collection of information about properties and monuments in the village of Frittenden including those which are listed by Historic England.
Please note that these pages are under construction and not all properties/monuments are active. Please revisit the page for updates.
Here you can find exterior photograph(s) of the property, together with a map reference/location as well as a pdf of the listing from the Historic England listing pages.
The Society holds other information on these properties, such as historic maps, tithe apportionments, external photographs, collection of sales particulars, as applicable. Copies of these records are available on application, which may be subject to a small administration fee. Please use the form at the bottom of the page to register your interest and we will let you know what additional information we hold.
Click on the property or monument name below to take you to further information.
Balcombe Farmhouse | Beal Farmhouse | Bell & Jorrocks | Brissenden Farmhouse | Broad Oak Farmhouse | Broadlake |
Broadlake Barn & handpump | Brook Farmhouse | Buckhurst | Buckhurst Bridge | Burnt House | Catherine Wheel |
Catherine Wheel Barn | Chanceford Farm | Charity Cottages (old workhouse) | Cherry Tree Barn & Stables | Cherry Tree Farmhouse | Cherry Tree Oast (SE) |
Cherry Tree Oast (SW) | Chimney behind Oakleaves | Church Cottage | Church of St Mary | Cole Farm | Cole Farm Barn |
Cole Farm Granary outbuilding | Corner Farmhouse | Forge House | Foxearth Cottage | Frittenden House | Frittenden School |
Frittenden Stores & Manchester Hse | Gatehouse | Gould Farmhouse | Great Bubhurst | Hodges Farmhouse | Hollenden |
Ivy House | Lake Cottage | Lake Farmhouse | Little Brookwood | Little Brookwood Granary | Little Bubhurst |
Little Bubhurst att’d shed | Little Hungerden | Little Manor | Lowland Farmhouse & walled forecourt | Lychgate & quadrant walls (St Marys) | Manor Farm Oast & Barn |
Manor Farmhouse | Maplehurst Mill | Maplehurst Mill House (& old mill) | Monument to Rev Edward Moore | Park Farmhouse | Peasridge Farm |
Pillar Box Cottage | Ponds Farmhouse | Poundlands Farm Cottages | Providence Chapel & House | Pullen Barn | Pullen Farmhouse |
Rock Farmhouse | Sandhurst Bridge Farm Barn | Sandhurst Bridge Farmhouse | Sinkhurst Green Cottages | Sinksnorth Farmhouse | Stone Court Farmhouse |
Street Farm Cottage | Sundial (S of St Marys) | Tanyard | The Mitchells | Three chest tombs (St Marys) | Tilebarn Cottages |
Tolehurst Farmhouse | Weaver’s Den | Weaver’s Den Oast | Well House | Whitsunden |
If you would like more information on any of the properties or monuments above, please use the form below. Please note that there may be a small administrative charge for this service which we will notify you of when we have received your request.