The Historical Society have produced several publications which can be bought via this page (all prices include UK delivery – please click here and complete the form for a quote for overseas delivery charges).

A survey of Mill Lane Burial Ground which continues documenting the burial and memorial places in Frittenden. The survey records the location, memorial inscription and, where possible, a photograph of the headstone or memorial. The Memorial Garden in St Mary’s Church has also been included in this publication, together with memorial benches.
Cost – £15, including P&P
A History of Frittenden
Subtitled “an obscure and inconsiderable parish”, the book by FHS Chairman Dr Phil Betts, really shows how wrong this statement is. It’s 300 pages charts life in the parish from pre-history to the 1970s, with many illustrations. There are also 11 appendices recording the landowners, farms and farmers, as well as those who served in WW1 and WW2.
Cost – £21, including P&P

The Millennium Map
A representation of Frittenden at the time of the millennium with contributions of homes and dwellings within the village, produced by the people who lived in them. Activities in the village, such as cricket and the school, were also incorporated. Local flora and fauna were shown within the map and the surrounding panels.
Cost – £8 including P&P
Here Lies Frittenden
A casualty of the the great storm of 1987 was a large cedar tree to the west of the church tower of St Mary’s. The loss of the tree’s protective canopy started a deterioration of some of the memorials and a second big storm in January 1991 reinforced the need for a recording of the churchyard memorials. This is the result of that work.
Cost – £15 including P&P

A Kentish Village in 1911
The Historical Society held an exhibition in 2011 showing what life was like in the village at the time of the 1911 census. This booklet is a record of that exhibition.
Last few remain – email us for availability.
The Great War and Frittenden
The Historical Society marked the one hundreth anniversary of the armistice which ended the First World War with an exhibition demonstrating the impact of the war on the village and the wider community. This book accompanied the exhibition.
Cost £12 including P&P

50th Anniversary plaque project
2024 saw the 50th anniversary of the Frittenden Historical Society. To mark this anniversary, it was decided to undertake a ‘Blue Plaque’ project. The plaques, in fact purple in colour, indicate buildings of historic interest within the village boundaries.
Other historic buildings, which are situated outside of the 30mph boundary around the village and therefore fall outside the precepts of the scheme, are noted at the end of this booklet.
The illustrative centrefold map shows the siting of the historic plaques, numbered from 1 to 30. There is a list of the properties covered by the “Blue Plaque” scheme giving the name of each property displaying a plaque together with the associated number.
Cost £5 including P&P